Sunday, August 23, 2009

Parent Forms

Below you will find the various parent forms you may need as a theatre parent this fall!
Here is a link to the 6th grade parent form:

Here is a link to the 5th grade parent form:

Here is a link to the Mustang Communications parent/student form:

If you are having a hard time viewing these forms, please place a comment in the comment section below with your name and email and I will send you the form link via email.
If you prefer not to display your information on this blog, please email me at: and I'll be happy to send you the link that way.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Welcome 2009-2010 School Year

If you are a theatre parent at Trinity Meadows Intermediate, thank you for visiting this site! I've included some forms I would ask you to fill out and return to me as soon as possible. Feel free to fill out and email to me:
If you find you'd rather write on an actual piece of paper, feel free to send it to school with your student!
The actual forms I need from you (there are 2) will be posted in a 2nd post! Thanks!

Welcome to Trinity Meadows and welcome to the fine arts! I look forward to creating with your student this year!