Friday, January 15, 2010

What have we been up to?

We've been busy in the theatre room at TMIS! Here's what we've been doing...
6th graders have just started to work on their own scenes! I gave them partners and they chose a 4 page scene to work on with that partner. They will block the scene, work out props, costumes and anything else they feel necessary to performing that a few weeks, we'll perform for our fellow classmates!
I will have a new set of 5th graders on Tuesday! We get to start fresh with get to know you games and the basics of theatre! For all you new parents, here's the link to the parent form in case you want to get a head start!

PAL Team: In PAL team Mrs. Mckenzie and I are switching work groups for a couple of weeks...I will be working on mask-making with my work group!!! I'm so excited! This is one of my favorite things to do with 6th graders!
Mustang Communications: We've been hammering out some videos! We worked on a recycling video, are working with a small group of 5th graders to get a video produced about the dangers of the Alta Vista/Keller Hicks intersection. Up next are a set of videos and the TAKS Toolbox! I'll post some of the videos soon...they are hilarious!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Happy New Year!

I hope everyone had a restful break! As we dig into our more indepth activities this spring, I hope you will ask your students what they are working on in theatre class! The 6th graders are beginning work on scenes: short portions of plays with partners. They will be responsible for memorizing their lines, planning costumes, props and other scenic pieces they might need to perform the scene. These will be in class performances and as we get closer to the "performance date" I'll post dates and times in case you'd like to come watch...that's between you and your student though:).
I have one more week with this group of 5th graders and we are finishing up our time together wtih a digital storytelling lesson. They will have to tell a story on film using no words, a door and 5 feet of space. They will learn to communicate a story: beginning, middle and end, using only camera angles and non-verbal communication!
As always, if you have questions or would just like to come observe what your students are doing in theatre, please feel free to contact me and come on in!!!